I say this not to take us off the hook for our shared responsibility but rather to refrain from judging ourselves and others too harshly. We just haven't had the experience to react and behave flawlessly. Also the recovering perfectionist in me needs to hear it. Our culture loves an enemy to direct its rage (undigested trauma) upon so this virus is getting the treatment! As big thinker/writer Charles Eisenstein says, “If there is one thing our civilization is good at, it is fighting an enemy." In this same jaw-dropping essay he says and asks “Covid demonstrates the power of our collective will when we agree on what is important. What else might we achieve, in coherency?" It's a long essay so make yourself some tea and block out some time. It is worth it. I think he is wise. I hope you are well and able to connect to your loved ones. Each of you have ventured out in your own way. I respect everyone’s pace. I have found that each reintroduction may bring up some anxiety but with practice I have found more ease. Grocery stores for example. In April and May I was doing pick-up and delivery. Now I am not only back in the stores but slowing down, reading labels and bagging my own groceries--where they will let me. What are you doing now that in April seemed unthinkable? That is resiliency! Like me you may have once thought the reminder that others have it worse is useful under times of stress. Well intended but I find it not helpful as a strategy to manage stress day to day, moment to moment. I suggest this IChill app, not flashy or advanced, just a simple and easy way to introduce strategies that you can use, in real time in the moments you need it--so unlike that old shaming mindset. The above logo is the property of The Trauma Resource Institute, the owner of the above mentioned IChill app. If you aren’t already, join me in saying Physical Distancing in place of Social Distancing. This is an important distinction. My goal as the weather cools down is to bundle up and toughen up. Keep walking even when it’s cold, keep meeting with friends in my garage or outdoors when the sun or a fire can warm us or we’re lucky enough to have an unseasonably warm day. I know that keeping connected socially is important. What are you doing for yourself in these challenging times? What are your resources? Could I again be a resource for you?
Please reach out. 614-321-9202.
Amy Linville is an artist and esthetician that believes simple, sustainable and non-rushed daily skincare and beauty rituals are the foundation for finding comfort in your skin and looks, no matter your age. Archives
April 2022